Thursday, February 26, 2009

The glass is half empty.... or is it?

With innumerable books and webpages devoted to the type of attitude one should develop, the title shouldn't be unfamiliar to most. After all most of us know how important it is to see that the glass is half-full rather than seeing it as half empty. Now let me just take it a step further.

Consider a pessimist, not a hardcore, but somebody who just likes to sulk at stuff and see's things through a negetive perspective. He would consider the glass to be half empty. And on the other hand an optimist, or somebody who likes a bit more cheer in his life, would perceive the glass to be half-full wouldn't he? That is at least what most people would say. So even with the different ways to view a given predicament, the only difference one makes is to his state of happiness. Where a pessimist would always feel low about his shortcomings, the happy guy would be happy that his is not a completely empty glass.

Following the same chain of thought, which do you think is better. I'm sure you'd go with the pessimist, for who'd like a sad and depressed guy around? Just let me know if you differ in your opinion!

But hang on, what if the happy-go-lucky guy stays blissfully ignorant of his incomplete life? And, on the other hand, we have the whining pessimist working towards fulfilling his capacity. Who would you side with now? The satisfied-static "optimist" or the "diligently-dynamic" pessimist? I leave it for you to decide.......

In conclusion, I'd say that seeing the glass as half-full or half-empty is not as important. Of prime importance is what you do about it.

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